Cologne - Kanaga Water

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Kananga Cologne is a popular perfume used in Santeria, Hoodoo and other magical practices. You can use as a Cologne, add to a bath or floor wash. Kananga water is mainly used for purification and memorializing departed ancestors. It is similar to Florida Water, in that it is known for its cleansing and protective effects. You can also use Kananga water in love, money and peace workings.

When seeking guidance from your ancestors, place a bowl of Kananga water on your altar as an offering. You can also put out a bowl to clear and cleanse the air before a reading for better communication with spirit.

Colognes and waters are commonly used by spiritual practitioners.

Anoint yourself or your magical tools to clear negative energy. Add to a bath, floor wash, or feed your success mojo bags. You can also offer spiritual waters as offerings to the spirits and ancestors.

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